This Award was newly added to the CIF-IFC National Awards Program in 2021 and recognizes individuals who make significant, unique, and outstanding contributions to advance gender equity, equality, diversity and inclusion in their community or workplace in the field of...
AI: Arrogance and Ignorance?
Ok I said it – those two letters that are at the forefront of everyone’s mind these days, but I’ve applied them to two words that are at the forefront of everyone’s mind when it comes to equity and inclusion. I’ve witnessed arrogance and ignorance first hand – not...
Unveiling Traditional Leadership, One Clue at a Time
Remember the game Clue? I loved that game — going from room to room trying figure out “who done it” and with what means? I’ve been racking my brain for months on a “crime/wrongdoing” committed in the workplace, a situation where individual agendas caused a few people...
Top 5 Resources for Supporting Work-Life Balance
Here’s my top 5 ideas for supporting your team with work-life balance: 1. Encourage socializing - Don’t look down on employees for having water cooler conversations or chatting in between assignments — better yet, join in when it makes sense to do so! Encouraging...
Have We Gone Too Far with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?
As a business transformation expert who understands that organizations need to make changes over time on how they operate, and someone who has focused on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) over the last decade, I understand how there is a balance needed on...
Think gender-based violence outside the workplace doesn’t affect your business? Think again. Here’s my story.
My husband and I decided to go out on the town this past NYE – get dressed up and find somewhere where we could have dinner and dance to live music. I found a great dress, put on the heels for the first time since covid hit, and we were off. The evening was going...
Free Resources
How to Deal With Resistance to Diversity & Inclusion
Change of any kind is often met with some level of resistance so it is no surprise that some people – both men and women – resist changing a workplace culture to be more gender diverse and inclusive. In the report “The Path of Least RESISTANCE to Gender Diversity...
Become an Ally – Toolkit
Want to know how to be an ally to underrepresented groups in your workplace? This report provides “the ally journey spectrum” to help individuals learn the steps they can take to contribute to an inclusive workplace culture. It also provides tangible allyship actions...
Inclusive Leadership – Creating a culture of empowerment, accountability and belonging
This report takes a look at best practices from twelve leading international companies that are certified in gender equality in the workplace by DiversityInc (international focus) and Women in Governance (Canadian focus) and identifies various approaches and tools...
Addressing Systemic Gender, Diversity & Inclusion Issues in The Forest Sector
The Free to Grow in Forestry Initiative was officially launched in November 2018. The Centre for Social Intelligence secured funding for the Canadian Institute of Forestry from the department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE). This innovative partnership...
Inclusion Growth Curve Guide
Using proven techniques based on years of research and leading edge thinking, CSI takes away your confusion about how to get started on mainstreaming diversity & inclusion in the workplace at a national sector level. Not sure where to begin? Download our...
What Men Can Easily Do To Support Diversity & Inclusion
Traditionally, men dominate decision making in many work environments EVERYONE benefits when there is diversity & inclusion at all levels, including upper management. And it’s at this level, the C-suite, where, historically, women have been missing. There is...
CBC Radio Panel Interview on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – January 22, 2025
Link to the interview:
This Award was newly added to the CIF-IFC National Awards Program in 2021 and recognizes individuals who make significant, unique, and outstanding contributions to advance gender equity, equality, diversity and inclusion in their community or workplace in the field of...
Free to Grow in Forestry Podcast – Hosted by Kelly Cooper
A podcast working to move #ForestryForward. Today’s forest sector is changing, and many organizations are making strides toward implementing inclusion and diversity measures and recruiting underrepresented groups (such as women, Indigenous peoples, new Canadians,...
Featured Media Appearances
Archive of featured media appearances from 2020-2021 The Fall 2021 edition of BC Forest Professional Cover Story: Moving Forestry Forward: From Awareness to Action By Kelly Cooper, MA Women of Inspiration Finalist 2021 Women's Forest Congress - Blog Women's Forest...
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