How to Deal With Resistance to Diversity & Inclusion

How to Deal With Resistance to Diversity & Inclusion

Change of any kind is often met with some level of resistance so it is no surprise that some people – both men and women – resist changing a workplace culture to be more gender diverse and inclusive. In the report “The Path of Least RESISTANCE to Gender Diversity...
Become an Ally – Toolkit

Become an Ally – Toolkit

Want to know how to be an ally to underrepresented groups in your workplace? This report provides “the ally journey spectrum” to help individuals learn the steps they can take to contribute to an inclusive workplace culture. It also provides tangible allyship actions...
Inclusion Growth Curve Guide

Inclusion Growth Curve Guide

Using proven techniques based on years of research and leading edge thinking, CSI takes away your confusion about how to get started on mainstreaming diversity & inclusion in the workplace at a national sector level. Not sure where to begin? Download our...
What Men Can Easily Do To Support Diversity & Inclusion

What Men Can Easily Do To Support Diversity & Inclusion

Traditionally, men dominate decision making in many work environments EVERYONE benefits when there is diversity & inclusion at all levels, including upper management. And it’s at this level, the C-suite, where, historically, women have been missing. There is...