Andrew Moore

Through her publication, “Lead the Change”, Kelly Cooper presents compelling reasons why Gender Diversity and Inclusion (GDI) is not only the right thing to do but it is also ‘good business’. Through her experiences, observations and knowledge, Cooper...

Normand St-Gelais

I am really thrilled to support Cooper’s book that inspires action from leaders and executives on Gender Diversity & Inclusion. Sodexo knows that gender balance fosters creativity and innovation and ultimately drives better business results. When women reach...

Guy Arguin

A must read for business leaders and HR professionals. Kelly’s book provides a different perspective when it comes to D&I. It helps HR professionals and business executives take a practical approach on how to move this topic forward within organizations. The...

Virginie Hotte-Dupuis

“Diversity & Inclusion needs to be a strategic priority for any leader, and this book is a must-read for anyone wishing to leverage this competitive advantage.”